General Admission

$997 $597
General Admission
- Attendance to the Leadership Conference,
- A workbook with lessons learned, book recommendations and favorite quotes from speakers,
- Guided networking session so you can walk away with contacts and leads to grow your business,
- 4 Post Conference Workshops for you to learn how to become a better:
- Influencer,
- Powerful Strategic Thinker,
- High-level Negotiator,
- Emotional Intelligence Master,
- Successful Networker,
- Influential Leader, and
- Business Developer,
- 1 entry to nominate a female entrepreneur so we can support her in growing her business,
EWLC Angel Investment for Female Entrepreneurs Award:
(Each entry is a nomination for a business woman of your choice, who you believe can benefit from this project)
She will receive a package ($35,000 Value) including:
- 6 months of Executive Coaching
- A profile in the SFBJ, and
- A virtual starter kit (Camera, lighting, etc)!
- 4 entries to EWLC Raffle! (Prize value between $6000-$6998)
EWLC Raffle:
- Prize to be announced at the conference!