Group & Individual Coaching
When do you need a Coach to enhance your career? When you:
Want to take your results to a whole new level and need an action plan or accountability
Have a hard time discovering the path for your career, need clarity, certainty
Know where you want to go but are afraid to make the necessary shifts
Need to enhance your self-esteem or self-confidence to become who you want to become
Need direction to ascend to higher levels in your company or need to break through fears or limitations that are holding you back
Want to own your business but need direction on how to make it possible
Aren’t as happy as you would like to be in your professional life and don’t know what to do about it
Need to grow financially and need support on how to go about it

Here are some benefits you can enjoy, by working with a Coach. You may be able to:
Get clear on what you want and establish effective career goals
Develop an action plan to support you in achieving the goals you set for yourself
Accelerate your pace of success by taking more consistent and meaningful actions
Be more open to discover your potential and talents and be able to develop them at the highest level
Feel empowered to make the necessary changes so you can progress in your career or grow your business
Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence to allow you to become who you want to become
Develop your communication skills and better relate to superiors, co-workers or employees, getting more effectiveness and results from your team
Increase the level of joy and happiness in your professional life
Breakthrough fears and limitations that are holding you back and let your career soar
Increase your income or profitability by becoming more effective, efficient and results driven
When do you need a Coach to enhance your personal life? When you:
Realize you want to get more out of life and don’t know how to take the next step;
Know what to do to live the life you want but do not follow through, don’t take action
Want to become more passionate about your existence, find your purpose
Need to have a life plan or reevaluate your current one
Feel unable to find true love and are tired of being by yourself
Have a relationship but have conflicts and don’t know how to overcome them
Got divorced or are going through a separation and you need to reinvent yourself
Feel stuck in some area of your life (or many) and don’t know what to do about it
Are holding on to past negative emotions that no longer serve you and therefore feel imprisoned by your past, unable to create a better present or future
Here are some benefits you can enjoy, by working with a Coach. You may be able to:
Reconnect with your purpose and change the meaning of your experience in life
Take effective actions and achieve your goals
Take charge of your destiny
Align yourself internally and feel more centered, with more balance
Raise your level of energy
Lose weight and feel better about your body and yourself
Breakthrough fears or any other internal barriers that are stopping you from achieving your goals
Discover higher levels of joy and fulfillment
Heal from break-ups and relationships that didn’t work, opening up for the experience of true love
Make a greater difference in the lives of others, starting by yours
Elevate your ability to love and enhance the quality of your relationships
Learn how to forgive and let go of experiences that no longer serve you
Enhance the level of self-esteem and self-confidence
Enjoy your personal and professional life simultaneously