“Influence for
closing sales”
4- Day Seminar
Day-3 Strategic Negotiation

Isn’t it time for you to negotiate more strategically and close more deals with less effort?
Why does strategic negotiation matter?
Most people’s approach to negotiation is really spontaneous. By that I mean that they have the facts, they know their goals and they count on their experience as a professional to win over the other party’s arguments. There’s nothing wrong with that approach, except that it’s not the most effective. What’s left behind is the fact that you may be unprepared to counter offer or to still achieve your goals, when the other party throws an ace on the table that you were not expecting and you get caught off guard. When you become more strategic you become better prepared and therefore more successful.
What will you learn?

Use systematic influence in negotiation – your ultimate tool to gain financial commitment

Understand conscious and unconscious process of your client’s purchase decision

Eliminate habits or behaviors that are sabotaging your ability to negotiate successfully and close more deals

Learn the key questions you need to have answered before the negotiation process starts, so you can gain competitive advantage

Position yourself to get what you want from a negotiation
Overcome the 10 most common mistakes when negotiating and increase your sales
“Strategic Negotiation” is the ultimate tool that can allow you to:
- Develop successful agreements and understandings,
Influence others to work with you not against you,
- Minimize your effort and maximize your ability to close deals,
- Increase your level of financial success,
- Shorten your sales cycle,
- Avoid creating conflicts,
- Increase level of communication with other parties,
- Get more of what you want
- Create agreements that will bring you more peace of mind
- Grow and nurture long term business relationships
- Achieve goals at a faster pace,
- Choose the direction you move your life, instead of having others doing it for you!